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Little Fishers
During the Sunday Morning Service

What is Little Fishers?  Well, Jesus told His disciples to go out and be fishers of men.  So Little Fishers is a young group of children who are brought to church on a Sunday and if they are walking alone and upright, then they can join us in the Creche room.

There, Sharon, our Little Fishers leader, will work with the children doing age appropriate Bible teaching.  This will get them ready for our main Sunday School when they turn 5.  During this time, they will learn to sit, listen to stories, find their creative side and to pray and sing.  They will know of Jesus and the Bible.


Sunday School
During the Sunday Morning Service

Sunday School runs alongside our main meeting on a Sunday morning, it is for children in Reception Class to Year 6. Our aim at is to teach the children the Word of God in a fun and exciting way. We want our children to grow in their understanding of God’s Word and their own relationship with the Lord as well as feeling part of the Church family.


We do various different activities including games, crafts and puzzles all based around the Bible passages that usually run as a series.   Sunday School runs all year round.   We support the children to contribute in whatever way they feel to worship and prayer time.  The children take part in lively discussions and are encouraged to ask lots of questions especially on how the Bible impacts their lives and world they live in.


Thursdays at 10am (During Term Time)

On Thursday mornings from 10am - 12pm for children under 5.

We have 2 playrooms, good quality play equipment, qualified and very experienced leaders.

Give your child the opportunity of socialising with other children of their own age, get help with daily challenges like potty training, eating problems, routines, etc. Enjoy healthy nutritious snacks and celebrate your child's birthday with their new friends.

Why not come and join us for just £1 for your first child and 25p for any others. Adults are free.


Grace Kids
Fridays at 5:30pm (During Term Time)

Grace Kids for 4 – 10 years will play games, sing, meet friends and discover God and His Son Jesus. Together we will learn, through the Bible that He made us, He loves us and He wants to be our friend forever. There’s a lot of jumping, singing, dancing, learning, and laughter in every experience!

Grace Youth
Fridays at 7:30pm (During Term Time)

Grace Youth is youth group that accepts young people from school year 6 to year 9.


We would love to invite you to come down on a Friday during term time from 7:30 till 9pm, and be involved as we move through the year together. Wacky games & unique snacks are only half the picture. We often share the Christian message, and engage in many other discussions relevant to young people. We ask open ended questions and encourage discussion; providing space and allowing them to come to there own conclusions.


All our adult leaders are DBS checked. 


Grace Teens
Fridays at 7:30pm (During Term

Are you someone who is 15-18 years old and has a desire to know or grow in the Lord with a passion? If so, this is your chance to be surrounded by like-minded people in all aspects of what we do. This is the place where we can grow as a body and lift each other up in prayer and in encouragement in what can be seen as a sanctuary and as a place where we can be comfortable in.

Join us beforehand for some time of fellowship, which then we will come together in worship and then come round the word of the Lord together to discover something new. 

At the end of our academic year we look forward to have a getaway for the young people by looking at trips such as Soul Survivor and other camping experiences where we can have a relaxed break as a group in summer.

Last Sunday of each month, during the morning service.

The main purpose of the Identity is to help young people find their identity in Jesus and Jesus alone.

With young people constantly being told what they should be or look like, the time is now for us as a church to ensure our young people know who they are in Christ. Finding your Identity in anything but Christ, may give you temporary happiness but never true joy. 

Join us on this journey of becoming more like Jesus and knowing who you are in Him.

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